A 40-pound fish, NYC day 2
/While Mom, Ol and I take Manhattan, Jack is fishing in deep-south Louisiana with my dad (Jack and Ol call him Poppy) and uncle. A day of fishing sounds like penance to me, but Jack was beyond thrilled with Poppy's graduation trip idea.
They met the boat this morning at 5:30, enjoyed a glorious sunrise, and spent something like 9 hours out in the Gulf casting lines near an oil rig. Number 12, as Jack later informed us.
At some point, Jack's baited line found a hungry fish. He started reeling, and twenty minutes, one break, and tired arms later, he pulled in a 40-pound bull red fish. Turns out it was the largest fish anyone caught today. We talked to him a couple hours later, and he was still positively ebullient, his cheeks flushed red with sunshine and pride.
My boy (65 pounds) with his catch (40 pounds).
Tonight, my aunt is cooking the fish, and Jack, Dad, my uncle and my cousin's family are feasting. What a special day and what memories made!
my cousin's precious daughters, and J-bird
Meanwhile, Mom and I took Ol to the Museum of Modern Art because he wanted to see "Picassos, Kandinksys and Piet Mondrian." Ol always says Piet's whole name. It cracks me up. Anyway, this knowledge and interest is a gift from his incredible art teacher, and we were happy to oblige his request.
MoMA boasts a hefty $25 admission fee for adults (museums in DC are free, y'all), and we found that all but a handful of Picassos (including every single rose- and blue-period piece which were the ones Ol had studied) and Kandinskys were in storage, as was the entirety of the photography wing. I saw two Richard Avedon's. Two. For the $25 love, MoMA. Give me a break.
Mom and Ol and "Piet Mondrian"
That said, the Mondrians were wonderful, and Ol discovered Marcel Duchamp. He's still chuckling about this one.
Then through the Puerto Rican day parade, on multiple subway rides, to The Lion King and to dinner. A full, fun day. To the Statue of Liberty tomorrow, and then, home. Whew.