Cold & funny

Ok, so on Friday, it snowed in our part of WV, and after a certain point of citizen population, street plowing sort of cuts out. The wonderful cat ‘n goat caretaker could not get here, and by mid-afternoon, I was slightly frantic about the animals. Ol was sick as all hell from his booster, so I picked him up early from school, dropped him at home, hopped in Tom’s car, which has 4-wheel drive, and hauled it up to WV.

Upon arrival, I found Lefty screaming frantically and the other 3 in various stages of distress. They could have been punking me for all I know; I AM that “sees puppy eyes on any being and immediately throws all amount of food and love their way” individual. The male cats seemed enormously happy to see me; the lone lady was calming licking her paws when I entered the barn.

Everyone got lots of extra food and love, and then I headed inside to enjoy a solitary dinner and attend a virtual book launch with Jamie Raskin. Mom and Dad were watching from Chevy Chase, and the entire time, Mom and I texted each other in such ways:

A few hours after we parted ways with Jamie, the power cut out in WV, and I was overly thankful for the ridiculously heavy comforter insert I’d bought for our duvet. I slept like a baby, but when I awoke, the inside house temp was 53 degrees. Mary, mother of god. Because I am perky AF when I’m out here, though, I peed, realized I could not flush the toilet because water pumps need electricity, and then realized I could not make coffee because of aforementioned lack of water and electricity. So, I bundled up in 90 layers and skipped out to the barn, the cats (who sleep in the garage at night) in tow.

Lefty started screaming, Rambo commenced neighing, Jemima (who, at this point, appears to be in late-stage-pregnancy-I-look-to-have-twins FUCK YOU state) glared, and Apple stared. I measured out feed as quickly as possible and threw myself into their part of the barn. The hay net was the saddest deflated balloon; upon inspection, I saw that purposefully or not, they’d bitten holes in it and gotten every strand of hay out. A hat tip to you ruminants!


I raced back inside, started a fire, and refilled all the bird feeders. Immediately, the backyard was an aviary. I nearly perished of delight. Cardinals, titmice, juncos, nuthatches, woodpeckers! And then, lo! Around 9a, the power was restored. Coffee! Heater! Toilets!

It is now 8:34p, and we have finally reached 66 degrees inside. Ol and Tom arrived in the meantime, and we all sledded, plowed, played, etc. Good stuff.

It almost felt like this had a non-nutritive cereal varnish on the bottom.

Whilst cold, I came across a few treasures that I simply must share with you because honestly? Who doesn’t need more laughter in their life?

478-2490; I have to click “forgot password” on the regular.

This is as good as Tweets get. A+

If you are celebrating Deplatforming Day, this one’s for you!

This is me a good 50% of the time. I LOVE this dog. The little paw and emphatic slam of the door!

And this is just genius. As I’ve said so many times since 2016, where would we be without comedy?

On fumes; funny stuff to the rescue

Ok, y’all. I really need winter break to arrive. Also, some winter would be nice. I had shorts on for part of yesterday, and it was 70 degrees today. Uncool in mid-December, but since billionaires are jetting to space in penis rockets, emitting more carbon than most individuals will use/exhaust in a lifetime, I think old climate change is here to stay. Hmmph.

Oliver has one more day of school; Jack has several. No one is motivated, everyone is tired. Omicron appears to be everywhere, and I am so GD sick of Covid. At this point my attitude is, essentially, “Well, I’m probably not gonna die.”

Anyway, I have come across some real gems this week that I simply must share with y’all.

Exhibit A is this Little Golden Book-inspired delight which conjures my feelings about all members of the GOP minus, a bit, Liz Cheney. Liz is awesome on the 1/6 Commission, but she is chapping my ass left and right for refusing to vote for voting rights legislation. She is Dick’s daughter… Anyway, I don’t think she’s an asshole, so there you have it. But the rest are. Don’t even get me started about the GD Power Point used to plan the insurrection.


This obituary is the stuff of legends. I swear to g, y’all MUST read it. Rest in peace, Renay. You sure lived life.

Hers was a bawdy, rowdy life lived large, broke and loud. We thought Renay could not be killed. God knows, people tried. A lot. Renay has been toying with death for a decades, but always beating it and running off in her silver Chevy Nova.

Lastly, I present you with this Tweet, on its own as it’s perfect.

I mean…who designed that? who, then, brought it to “life”? What an ugly-ass ridiculous statue.

Now, if anyone ever sees this shirt for sale, please let me know. I feel I need one. Thank you.

Two of the best things I've seen in 2021

On the light side, this video of a lawyer who inadvertently placed a cat filter on himself while on Zoom with a judge. I nearly peed in my pants watching, not least when he says, “I’m here live, I’m not a cat.”

On the powerful side, my Congressman, Rep Raskin in closing for the Dems today as the impeachment trial commenced. This is unbelievably powerful, right, moving, and unforgettable. It’s a must-watch.

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