Aah, the beach

I'm always surprised how tired a day on the beach can make you. The boys were pooped tonight as am I and all the adults here. Tom certainly is because he invented The Beach Sled, a terrifically fun (but exhausting for him) ride for the boys. Click IMG_6073 to watch this hilarity (I hope you can at least; it's pretty funny).  

It was a spectacular day- breezy, no humidity, just the right amount of warmth and cool. Three of us got injured by a rogue body board but otherwise all was well: the kids came home with bathing suit bottoms full of sand (and Oliver made a "boob" by filling his rash guard pocket with even more sand); they each caught a fish; we learned Rummikub; and generalized mayhem wriggled in and out.

As such I am soon off to bed, but I had to share a few things:

1) I found the most stunning calla lilies at the market today. Called flamingo callas, they stand about as tall and the pink is utter perfection, yes?


2) In reading about the food scene in Charleston, I came across this cocktail served at The Ordinary. Does this not sound like something you want to shake up right now?

"Delfino Fizz — a crisp mix of Lillet rosé, blood orange liqueur, grapefruit and soda water..."

and 3) My brother-in-law, Pete, and I cooked a heck of a meal tonight: perfectly spiced shrimp and grits (Pete); a warm cabbage salad with spring onions, corn, bacon, Meyer lemon zest and Parm (moi); lemony Grouper (Pete); and, wait for it, a plum tart (moi). We all ate much and well, and now it's time for bed!