/This past May, during the Eat, Write Retreat I attended, I met a new pal. She and I clicked pretty immediately and have been enthusiastic friends since, even though she upped and moved to Jersey, for the love. In any case, amongst other things, we share a real passion for avocados. My going-away present to her was an Avo-save (see first pic); I am the no-longer-skeptical owner of one and she admired it once. Both of us now strap our av-halves in the saver with what might seem to others an excessive glee, but we take our avocados seriously and dislike when the brown. The plastic wrap thing is wasteful and not terribly effective, and while the Avo-save isn't fool-proof, it is, nonetheless, effective enough and reusable.
I enjoyed half of this avocado for lunch today, alongside some toasted multi-seed bread, fresh tomato, feta, roasted turkey and a drizzle of aged Balsamic. It was a lovely lunch, so tasty and pretty, in fact, that I ate it before snapping a picture. So moved by the simplistic beauty of this av-halve (peeps, I've been up since 4:40am with not one but BOTH boys so throw me a bone, I'm punchy!), I did photograph it.