Il giorno bello
/Today has been perfect. Mom and I went wedding dress shopping with El, and it was such an absolutely happy time. She looked stunning. Afterwards we bought a beautiful lunch from a local rosticceria (what any prepared foods counter in the States could only aspire to be)- cippoline agrodolce, grilled melanzane, peppers, pomorodi, chicken, AND ortica (poison ivy) and radicchio rosso ravioli. Then we bought prosecco, a bunch of daffodils for the sposa nuova (new bride!), and headed to El's apartment to enjoy it all. It was the best meal I've had so far (out of only a few, admittedly but anyway).
Perfect! It's beautiful again today- blue, mid-60s, no humidity. I love Italy and its architecture (minus the scant few buildings gone too rococo or just plain wrong). Look at this old Roman wall, one of the original city boundaries! Ok, to the next dress shop!