Thank god it's 5:00 here...
/As you probably surmised, something was seriously wrong with Em-i-lis today. Server problems. Again.Enormously frustrating, T managed to migrate my site remotely from our failed home server to a host. We still have total control but cannot restore the past week's posts until we return to DC on Monday night. So, my heartiest apologies if you were planning to make radish fritters, pistachio yogurt or any of the other yummies I've written about and posted lately.
Today was another hot one on the bayou. Tons of extended family came over, and the little cousins all had a blast: water balloons, water guns, spy games, watermelon, burgers, lemonade and so on. I made a blackberry pie, sweet potato fries, and a huge green salad and enjoyed seeing everyone. Having not made up for all the sleep lost during last night's attempted camp-out, the boys were, by 3p, full-scale, on-the-edge, I-don't-like-them-right-now whiner heads.
Despite the crushing heat of mid-afternoon, I dragged the kids out for a walk with my dad. Jack turned back, but Ol, Dad and I persevered. Here are just a couple shots- a magnolia in bloom, and Poppy and Ol in front of some Spanish moss.
When 5:30p struck, I opened some wine, and thankfully, my parents took over through bedtime. Amen!