Farmers market and a hike
/What a great day! The boys and I took one of my favorite friends, G, to the Dupont farmers market as she'd never been. We ate Red Zebra pizzas for breakfast, the boys got cookies and cream popsicles from Pleasant Pops for dessert, and I came home with a flat of strawberries and a million stalks of rhubarb. Plus sorrel, squash blossoms, a buttload of spring chickens and so on.
We cleared out five pints of strawberries alone and with freshly whipped cream tonight after a terrific hike through Battery Kemble.
the boys crossing a fallen log (do y'all love how Jack chose to wear a belt for this hike? bless his heart.
I can do it too!
scaling a downed tree's root ball
Compost salad with farmers market greens for dinner, American Sniper (Bradley Cooper was really good), the paper and now to bed.
Hope y'all are well.