
Babysitter cancelled yesterday afternoon. Sad. Oliver ran pell-mell down a hill until he fell, face-first, into the sidewalk. Awful. Kids and I hung out. Made a big pot of gumbo. Awesome. Slept in basement. Also awesome. Cat dramatically mewed at door for lengthy session this morning. Less awesome. Drove kids to first birthday party. Went and picked them up. Drove one to another party. Dropped other off so he could catch ride to his second party. Picked first one up from party. Came home and informed husband he would be picking up second one and friend and carpooling them home. Raked one million bags of leaves. Encountered lots of Percy "treats." Was made to watch as one son repeatedly blew up balloon, inserted it into toys, one by one, and let the package go. Could it fly? No. Second one gets home. Two boys racing through house = trouble a'brewing. "We need a moment of silence" I implored. "Can we have the iPad?" was the response. "Absofrickinlutely" was mine. Ground almond biscotti for tart base. Tossed with butter and baked and swooned. Whisked egg yolks, flour and sugar in double boiler. Added hot milk, vanilla and almond extracts. Stirred ricotta into thick custard. Baked. Chilling. Ate salad left on Ol's plate from dinner. Took a shower. Addressed so many holiday cards. Loved every second. Tired. REAL tired. Going to bed with paper. Wondering how long I'll last. Tomorrow is not Monday.