Pie fail
/Y'all, I woke up with the greatest inspiration yesterday: a rhubarb meringue pie. Rhubarb is tangy and tart, rather like lemon, and I just thought it'd be a lovely twist on an old classic.
I made some unsweetened rhubarb puree, to stand in place of the lemon juice, and prebaked a perfect crust. The eggs came together beautifully, both yolks and whipped whites, and I slid the pie into the oven with grand hopes. Experimenting in the kitchen is such fun!
Is this not beautiful?
Ah but looks can be deceiving, and this pie was not great. Rhubarb is not as tangy as lemon and as I'd not reduced the amount of sugar, the custard tasted rather like some sort of sweet, herbaceous cream.
just look at that meringue
After a few bites, we gave up, and with a gentle tip of the hands watched 90% of the pie slide easily into the garbage. Better luck next time!