Sittin' in my she-shed
/I feel so happy right now. My running is coming along well, and I am no longer scared that I won't be able to finish the half-marathon in September. Turns out I'm actually a pretty good runner, and, delightfully, my frozen shoulder has fully thawed. Finally.
Jack is in the homestretch of his first camp, a great tech-fitness combo that thrills his mind and reminds him daily that it's no good to be a total screen zombie. Play and sports (even for the athletically less-inclined) are critically important balances for indoor and cerebral work. He's made a robot a day, has a core group of pals and comes home every day bubbling with excitement and that best sort of fatigue that comes from having immersed yourself in something over a good bit of time.
I have never made a robot in my life but watching my J so jazzed about gears and programming and such reminds me how much fun it can be to support your child's interests, help them find educational outlets for them and run.
Oliver was heartbreakingly nervous to start camp on Monday but has been very brave and is now mostly happy.
I have finally learned to manage my own nervousness about new situations but am reminded that doing so took many years. It was totally worth it, and so even though my heart crumbles when Ol's lip trembles, I must help him walk through the fires of anxiety -rather than around- for that is the only way to extinguish them.
I'm in AROMO right now and can hear birds chirping all around. For those of you who are unfamiliar with AROMO, it stands for A Room of My Own. This room is the lovely cedar playhouse Tom and I built for the boys several summers back. They never played in it, so I reclaimed it, put a desk, rug and lamp inside and now write out here regularly. A friend recently said she wanted a she-shed; I realized that's what I'd made and loved that such things are a movement of sorts. Go ladies and the spaces we need and deserve!
a hydrangea from my yard
This week has provided me some much-needed recalibration. I'd lost my proverbial oxygen mask but have now found and reapplied it. I am grateful that I'm learning how to recognize the danger-zone speed and apply the brakes sooner.
Soon, some darling kids are coming over for a birthday-inspired playdate for J, my 4th of July baby. He wants to play Pokemon (total gag; I cannot believe this is back in my life) and have a giant ice cream sundae bar. Done and done. I'm also going to grill burgers and boil corn and cut watermelon and let them eat and play themselves silly. And so I'm off, refueled and raring to go.