
Three ways I know the boys are home:1. I found tee-tee droplets on my toilet seat. 2. The milk and all bagged snacks were gone immediately. 3. Trails of underpants, markers, general nature flotsam and other objects map the boys' various paths around the house. Bonus 4: my bath tub is full of Lego Star Wars characters.

Three one-sentence movie reviews: 1. Mandela: Patience of Job, determination of Sisyphus yield incredible results. 2. August: Osage County: Other than Big Charles, one character is more fucked-up than the next, and I'm glad I don't live there. 3. A Most Wanted Man: Middling German accents build into a "did you see that coming?!" end and a mourning for Philip Seymour Hoffman that will leave you staggering .