Fruit picking 2016, Wondy?
/Yesterday marked my annual outing to Larriland Farm to pick my body weight in fruit. You might recall my original case for thorns and/or my overzealous death by fruit of previous years. Both memorable and delightful; yesterday was no different.
Isn't my Jack a handsome boy?
We brought along our dear neighbor, Jane, and picked peaches, blackberries, beets and raspberries with various degrees of abandon. Last night I froze twenty cups of blackberries and made one pie and four pints of jam (just two ingredients! blackberries and sugar!). Today, I taught Jane how to can and then put up several pints of raspberry jam (just three ingredients! raspberries, sugar, and lemon juice) myself.
picked and quickly frozen blackberries- beautiful!
Tomorrow I plan to finish dealing with the berries and pray that the peaches don't ripen until Friday.
Tonight, as soon as Tom walked in, I retreated to the bath. Where I found this.
Is that Wonder Woman? In a rugby hat? With a mean face? What the heck? #summerstillgoing