Stunning sauce

Remember those yellow Roma tomatoes I bought last Sunday at the farmers market? They have been sitting quietly on my counter since, golden orbs just waiting to be put to good use. After a busy yet productive morning out, I came home for some midday R&R. I baked a loaf of pumpkin bread, a recipe I got from a foodie friend, Liz Larkin, aka the Pound Ridge Scone Lady (she's NY-based; I know her via Food52). She's an excellent baker -her Royal Wedding Scones are to die for- so though I've not made or even tasted this lovely loaf before, I know it won't disappoint. While that cooled, I enjoyed a quick lunch and then got to making a slow-cooked tomato sauce with my golden Romas and the last of my Sungolds. Olive oil, garlic, kosher salt and the tomatoes. It's as simple as that yet simply magnificent. Look at this color. And the taste? I closed my eyes and sighed. Last but not least, I didn't even bother peeling the tomatoes first though certainly you could. The peels fall away as the tomato flesh melts into silky sauciness, so I just spoon them out as I find them.