Mardi Gras cauliflower, chimichurri steaks, salad from the garden
Brought it on myself, I know, and am happy to have done so, but I gotta tell you that today took some effort. In any case, dinner was fab. Steaks with the chimichurri, roasted cauliflower with marconas, capers and cherries, and a gorgeous salad from our garden topped with blue cheese and tomatoes. Yum, yum, and so much more fun than the dreaded task I now face: packing. I detest packing though I hate unpacking even more, and of course, ironing trumps both for worst chore. But I have really done a hell of a job procrastinating today, and now, as my sleepy eyes beg me to let them rest, I simply must fill the suitcase and zip it shut. We leave at 5:30 tomorrow morning, so you can see why I can't wait any longer.
Did anyone see Melissa Clark's recipe for olive-Gruyere bread in today's NYT Dining section? I am making that stat!