And sometimes, even when you look OK, you're still sick as get-out
/Friends, I have spent today hugging the porcelain god and wishing my pajamas didn't feel like sandpaper against my skin or my muscles like a bunch of worn-out punching bags. Unlike yesterday, today has not been a day to gussy oneself up but rather to heed the clarion call of my body.
Today's bit of wisdom, which feels a tad silly to write after yesterday's suggestion to sometimes look mahvelous so as to feel more mahvelous, is to recognize when you're down for the count, rediscover a love for crushed ice smothered in Gatorade or OJ or something fizzy but soothing, and accept all offers of help.
Thank you, Minal for bringing me supplies and taking Ol for a bit, Mary for painting the spot I was supposed to paint, Katherine for picking Ol up and bringing him home and caring for him until bedtime, and Annie who gave me birthday dress feedback and sent anti-nausea pills via Minal. It takes a village, people. I also really appreciate everyone who sent warm wishes and offers. And thanks to Anne for letting me help her online shop for a good hour via FB messenger, in between reunions with the toilette. Technology is so lovely sometimes.
A few final photos from Rome as I've been organizing them.
isn't this perspective of the Colosseum cool?!
Wisteria vines along the Roman Forum remains