The babies are here!!!!
/I have been consumed by the situation in Ukraine, and while I do plan to write about that at some time, right now I must share the happiest news.
Late on Thursday afternoon, Jemima had triplets and Apple had a single. Amazingly, they gave birth within hours of each other, and both did so without assistance or any real to do. You GO, ladies! We found out because Tom was watching the goat cameras he’s set up in the barn. “Em, Em, the babies are here!” (Later, in trying to figure out the time of birth, we came across actual footage from one camera- so cool!).
Concerned about them -would they be warm, were they nursing?- Tom hauled arse to WV that very night. Ol and I headed over after school on Friday. And there we found the most darling little creatures, all bright-eyed, clean, and walking though just a day old. Three girls and a boy.
Four kids means each of us got to name one. Tom named the boy Clyde because he has white feet like Clydesdales; I named Apple’s daughter, a little blond nugget, Beverly; Ol chose Skipper for his girl (which turned out to be a perfect name because she does skip all about); and Jack chose Millie. Millie is chocolate brown with a glossy coat and the most darling bent ears, somewhat like a Scottish Fold. They are all absolutely perfect, and by the time I left today, all were bouncing and running around in full baby goat spirit. Apple is an excellent mama. Jemima seems slightly less patient, but the woman did have three kids and she only has two teats, so…
newborn Millie sleeping in a blanket
Em and Millie
Ol and Skipper
Skipper and Clyde. That ear.
Beverly investigates Jinx.
attentive Apple and daughter Beverly
Em with Jinx, Skipper, and Clyde
I am telling y’all, life on a farm in the sunshine with animals all around and newly-arrived babies is good stuff. I was deeply sad to leave the idyll today.
Here’s a video of Jemima’s kids bouncing and bopping along behind her.
PS: Russian warship, go fuck yourself!
I stand with Ukraine.