5 May 2020: Shelter de Mayo + keeping it real
/If you’re drinking festive margaritas for Cinco de Mayo, please don’t drink and drive. I kid. Where on earth would you be driving? F*&k. Anyway, please both drink and be careful.
I cried for several hours today, and if you did too, that is ok. This is hard y’all. You are not alone. In your sadness, worry, confusion, rage, fatigue, frazzle, etc. If you don’t feel that you can express any of that to anyone, express it to me. Or investigate about tele-therapy via your insurance. Many companies are offering that benefit right now and for good reason.
There is a lot to process. Hundreds of thousands of people have died, and at least tens of thousands more will. America has zero executive leadership, many have lost loved ones, many have lost their livelihoods, the economy is tanking, the world looks at us as it should: as wayward sons, losers at worst, confused at best.
We deserve every bit of that global scorn. We deserve domestic scorn, heaped upon trump, the GOP, and even Justin Amash who appears to be confusing moral rightness for opportunity. Justin and his third-party run can go fuck itself. If America didn’t learn from Nader and Stein, third parties never do anything but benefit the people who don’t deserve benefit. I’m all for a multi-party system, but we aren’t there. And 2020 is the most important election in my lifetime, if not ever.
In any case, my point is that if you, eight or ten weeks in, are struggling, you’re normal. The “it’s a snow day” perspective is long gone. None of this is fun. If you’re doing better than most, you must feel gratitude, you must be generous and pay it forward, but you don’t need to self-flagellate for being real f&^king down.
I have heard from so many of you, privately, painfully. I hold all of you in the light and in my heart. I will do my best to continue sharing funny, light-hearted things, for we all need that, in spades. But at this point and with the outlooks being shared by the medical world, we also need to recognize that we’re entering a different time of acceptance and difficulty and isolation and loss.
For today I can offer the following:
Impressive hoops, says the former NBA player.
May I please have this porta-potty, literally, to ride around in all day?
Legit (and thank you, Anne):
They really aren’t.